Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Introducing....the Kitchen

I have decided to release one room at a time of the house as we get them "finished", or as close to finished as they will be for now. Anyways, I would like to officially introduce everyone to our kitchen :) It's a little colorless for my taste, but I'm hoping to get some paint on the walls in the next month or so once we have some extra money in the budget! I was thinking a pretty yellow to liven up the surgical white walls. Other than that though we really like the kitchen! It's super roomy and there is TONS of storage as you can see from the pictures! It's still coming together and I'm rearranging things constantly, but all in all I really like it!  Without further ado.......

Mitchell and I both hate pots falling out of the cabinets
so we figured we would hang them above the sink!
I think it turned our rather nicely. Let's also notice where
the Dish guy put the satellite right outside the window...
brilliant right?

One of my favorite parts of the kitchen! A wedding gift from the
Fickling's and a little piece of Macon in our home :)

Another special part of the kitchen, the oh so
wonderful "Ice" Kitchen Aid!
(This one is especially for Christina)

Random photo of the washer and dryer?! I think not!
 It's actually in the kitchen to the right of where I was
 standing when I took the first photo above in the kitchen.
Love these things!


  1. Oh my goodness LOVE!! Your kitchen is so big and I'm so jealous you have a gas stove. Funnily enough I just got off the phone with our landlord about our leaky washer- you'll never have that problem with those babies I'm sure! Happy to see that moving in is coming along so well for you-can't wait to see the rest of your house!

  2. AHAHA the satellite dish adds such a homey touch ;) I love it! Your kitchen looks just right and I am envious of the storage space! I JUST told Daniel today how I am seriously wanting a pot rack (while I was digging through the pan cabinet/loud crashes all around) It looks great!

  3. I have the same washer and dryer! LOVE THEM!

  4. I LOVE the song it makes when it's done. We call it the "Ice Cream Truck" music ;)
