Monday, January 2, 2012

A New Year

Well, here we are in 2012! I always hate how fast the holiday season seems to fly by, especially when you are able to spend it with family and friends. We were blessed enough to see our family this Christmas, as we flew home to Georgia for a few days while Mitchell had some time off and I was able to get off of from work for a little bit. Other than consuming WAY to much good food, and sweets, we both had an amazing time getting away from Texas for a bit and spending time with people we most likely won't get to see for many months, or a year in Mitchell's case.

In regards to Christmas presents, my sweet husband and his wonderful mother were in cahoots with one another this year! Every year my mom and I would go up to Atlanta during the Christmas season and spend the day together shopping and eating at the Cheesecake Factory. To be honest, this memory had been in the back of my mind since the beginning of December and was a sad one to recall knowing our yearly tradition wouldn't be taking place any more. However, on Christmas day I was surprised by "Santa" with a gift card to the Cheesecake Factory and spending money for a shopping trip! My husband and mother-in-law gave me a trip in memory of my sweet mother. So, Mitchell and I picked a day over our break to head up to the "big city" and we spent the day reminiscing about my mother and how happy she would have been to accompany us! I couldn't have thought of a better way to remember her this holiday season :)

Sadly we didn't get a chance to take many photos (aka we totally forgot and didn't want to lug our camera around) but here are a few that we did manage to get over Christmas vacation...

I have the best husband and mother-in-law!

Lunch at the Cheesecake Factory! One of our favorites ;)

We cleaned that plate right up...

Mitchell's Christmas present ;)

And mine!

Adios Georgia...I hope to see you again soon

Speaking of the new year....

 All in all I guess you could say I have mixed feelings about 2011. I looked forward to it for so long. As soon as Mitchell left for BCT back in 2007 and headed to USAFA I was counting down the days until he graduated. Once we were engaged  in October of 2009, 2011 really couldn't have gotten here any faster! With all those things combined, Mitchell graduating, getting married, and becoming a part of the real AF, you could say it was simply an amazing and incredible year. However, I think 2011 will live on as both the happiest and saddest year of my life. I not only married my best fried and love of my life, but I lost another best friend and true companion, my mother. I don't think anyone can put into words what it's like to lose a loved one, especially someone you thought would be around for a good while and then they are taken away from you so unexpectedly, and on the eve of such a joyous event. Through my mother's death God has shown me to appreciate every day of every year for the people in my life and to trust in his will and plan. As great, and devastating, as 2011 was, I can truly only hope that 2012 brings both joy and more peace in my heart and those around me! 

I hope that everyone had a safe and happy new year and that 2012 is the best yet! 

Much love,

The Etheridges

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