Saturday, May 11, 2013

Bayou Road Trip

A few weekends ago the hubs and I ventured to Southern Louisiana to drop off our furry children for a few months stay with my dad and in-laws. They were both very generous in helping us out in a tight spot, since we weren't able to bring the little ones to where we were staying in San Antonio, and allowed us to hand them over to them for safe keeping while we were TDY :) The trip was a total blast and took us about 12.5 hours each way. We had amazing food, got to meet some new people, and enjoyed the company of family even if it was only for less than 24 hours. Here are a few photos from the trip...

Road trip snacks. Obviously mine
are on the right ;)
Enjoying a last minute nap before
the long trip ahead.

12.5 hours in the car and still smiling..
road trip success!

Where we stayed. Right on the shrimp fishing river!

Not a happy camper
Dinner on the river.
Good eats

1 comment:

  1. I love the snacks haha!! And even though you're eating seafood I still loved this post ;)
    Winston is so cute!!
