Thursday, June 6, 2013

Wedded Bliss

This past week the hubs and I celebrated two years of wedded bliss! I cannot believe that it was two years ago that I was walking down the aisle and saying "I Do" to the man of my dreams. Between now and then a lot has happened, from starting and graduating pilot training, dropping our dream job, and living in Del Rio for almost two years. Now we find ourselves in the big city for a few months before heading to a dream location in Florida for the next 12 months or so. God has been so good to us and has blessed us abundantly. I could not ask for a better partner and am so thankful God placed  him in my life.

Of course, with the joy of our wedding anniversary also comes a very heavy heart and day of sadness. Each year, the day before our anniversary is marked as another year that my sweet mother has been gone from this earth. I can't even begin to describe what it feels like to have these two days coincide so closely and to have to celebrate another blessed year of marriage to my wonderful husband and remember the anniversary of the loss of my amazing mother within 48 hours. I suppose I've learned to compartmentalize them and have finally found peace in knowing that it's ok to be happy and celebrate my marriage and also honor the memory of my mother. My wonderful husband and mother-in-law were so sweet and got me some gorgeous flowers and a kind card to commemorate her passing and many texts from sweet friends truly made such a sad day brighter.

Not a day goes by I do not think of her or wish I could just pick up the phone and give her a call. I miss having that person in my life who I could call about those ridiculous things that don't matter and know she would simply listen and offer her motherly advice or solace. She was such a gift in my life and my heart aches constantly from her absence in it. This past year, however, I have found so much peace in her passing. The bible study I was apart of at Laughlin has helped me grow so much in my faith and has helped me heal imensly. I don't know what I would have done without those amazing girls and their support through such a tough time.

On a happier note, life here in San Antonio is great! Mitchell continues to have long days at work but he's started flying again so that makes him a much happier fella. I'm throughly enjoying unemployment and can't complain one bit that the biggest decisions I have to make each day are what to make for dinner and what time I should go to the gym to miss traffic. I will admit I miss the community and friendships at Laughlin, but this transitional phase hasn't been too unkind to us yet ;)
Sharing our favorite desert
from The Cheesecake Factory
on our anniversary!

Now that we can actually find
authentic Italian pizza ingredients
we made a pizza margherita..
it was delicious!

Our $15 bufala worth it

Beautiful flowers from my husband and mother-in law
on the anniversary of my mother's passing.

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet post! Thinking and praying for you Mary Ellen! :)
