Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Wife After God

I recently finished up a 30 day bible study I had been doing on my own called "Wife After God", and it totally blew me away. I wanted to share it with you guys as it was honestly one of the most inspirational and meaningful studies I've done. Whether you've been married for 3 weeks (woop woop for newlyweds) or are about to celebrate your 25 year anniversary this book is an incredible look into what it means to be a wife after God's own heart. Jennifer Smith, the author, really delves into the meaning of marriage and role we as wives are to play in our marriage as a Godly companion for our husbands. I loved how she came at marriage from the perspective that as wives we are to love and serve our husbands through our love and servanthood to Christ. Without a strong bond with Him, we cannot hope to foster a loving marriage.

One thing that I really latched on to from this study was that my actions towards my husband need to be intentional. It's so easy for us to get caught up in their short falls, our own needs, and our own selfish desires within a relationship. However, Jennifer helps us focus those thoughts into a productive and positive channel by showing us that as God loves us and forgives us so should we do the same for our husbands by showing them a Christ-like love daily. I also loved how she made a point to let her readers know that God is the only one who can truly satisfy that longing for perfect love in our hearts. When we can come to understand that God's love for us is infinite and never ending, only then can we truly know what it means to be a wife of God and to try and love our husbands in the same way. This study allowed me to soften my heart and to be so much more patient with my marriage (something I've always struggled with...patience is not a virtue of mine). I can't recommend this book enough to you married ladies out there! It has helped me so much in both my walk with Christ and in my marriage by showing me how to be intentional towards my relationship with my husband in a way that also allows me to fall in love with my Savior once again.

And for you ladies that just can't seem to find enough time in the day for a long Beth Moore type study (for real though, he studies are awesome but gosh darn if they don't take an hour or two out of your day sometimes!) this is the perfect one for you! It has a journaling portion that goes along with each day too which I found to be very beneficial! Oh and it's under $8 if you have a Kindle and can order from Amazon! I hope you ladies will check it out :)



  1. I think I may have to add this to my list of things to read during deployment. Thanks for the recommendation, you're so inspiring! :)

    1. You totally should! I think you would really like it a lot! Plus the chapters are very short and manageable when you have a little one demanding most of your time ;) If I had a hard copy I would have sent it to you by now haha
